Thursday 31 May 2012

Constructing the Dress (Part 2)

After gluing the top half of the dress together I quickly began on the skirt. The last part of making the dress ment I had to fold my printed sheets into my desired structure and glue them along their edge (which wasn't easy to get perfect joins) into a thick chain of folds to be wrapped around the dummy. I got a bit stuck with how I'd fix the skirt on to the dummy as the skirt was too heavy for elastic tohold it on, so my only option was to glue it straight onto the top half. For this I needed to have a flat part on the inside of the skirt that would then be fixed together. I folded out some of the top folds to form a semi-flat surface, leaveing a pattern of folds still at the top to keep the skirt shape. This flat surface was then glued upon the top half, completing the dress.

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