Friday 22 March 2013

Fixing Folds

The starch spray I had been using only held temporarily and gave the fabric a slight orange twinge so I've had to stop using it. I have worked out that I don't need to spray my fabric with the starch before forming. I can sandwich it between the two folded paper and put it in the heat press and that still makes the form. I have been testing fixing my folds so that it's a more permanent fixture. I've taken on the process of shibori by putting my fabric folds in a steamer for 10 minutes. I've had a challenge with putting them in the steamer. I need to have something on the fabric to hold the fold while its in the steaming process. I thought that I could sandwich it like I do when putting it into the heat press but the paper will ruin. I thought With acetate but then I was worried that the steam wont be able to actually effect the fabric. As I have been testing ideas with the folds I have also been exploring various ways I can keep it together. I've used pins and stitches but they left holes in the fabric. I've used paper clips but they left dent marks in the fabric where they sat. The last thing I tried was wrapping the fold with thread loosely which seemed to work well and not make any marks in the fabric.

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