Monday 11 March 2013

Group Tutorial: Kate

Today I had group tutorials with Kate and four jewelers  With each tutorial we all came to the same conclusion that neither of us know what we want to do or like what we got. I am frustrated. I've hardly even started and made much but i'm already stuck and in a rut. I'm finding it hard to know what i'm doing and what i'm making. I find it so much easier when I know my outcome or can jump into experimenting but I am lost in it. After making my folded fabrics I've kinda accomplished what I was thinking about in terms of samples and I came to it so easily. Now I just don't know what to do with them or how to expand. I think I need colour or stitch or something as I have just lost my passion at the moment and I just need something that will excite me. As I don't know what to do with my sample I am going to try to make it on a larger scale in order to inspire and challenge.

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