Thursday 17 January 2013

3DSP - Fabric Manipulation - Tucks

Today was a 3DSP day. This day I worked solidly on making samples. I've kinda lost my way with my quilting samples as I'm struggling for ideas but I have moved on to fabric manipulation for the mean time. I went through the Creative Tucks and Textures for Quilts and Embroidery book I got from the library which is so much easier to understand than the Fabric Manipulation book as it explains it better and has better diagrams. I started simply with basic tucks and played with the twisting of tucks to make interesting three-dimensional shapes with them. After that I then learnt about crossed over tucks and played with changes of them. And finally I created a few samples of fabric additions you can add to pieces give variations and decoration. I made 15 samples today, I'm so proud of the amount of impact that has added to my 3DSP samples.

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