Monday 28 January 2013

Tutorial: Claire

With only a week left til my deadline I wasn't sure what I was going to put together for my final piece. I had all these ideas and no way to form them into a piece. Panicking and stressed I had to get a tutorial to get me on the right tracks. With Claire I was able to lay all my ideas out and discuss all the things I was unsure about to come to a conclusion of where my next steps were to my finished piece. I talked about:

the prints I already had and how to do my top layer as I liked my prints so much I didn't know whether I wanted to destroy them

the text layer that I had no idea what I would want as the text in my quilt. I wanted to have something with the theme of protection which was what the writing in the samurai armour was for, protection from harm. I realised that the armour was for protection from harm so if a quilt is used for sleeping then it should have text inside about protection in sleep. lulabys and wishes of good night are the general idea.

The addition of other things in the layers. I was thinking about what to do with my stitched fabric leaves and whether I could put them within the layers if i think they would look alright or I have time to make them. Clair also picked up on a material I had used in a drawing, which was cotton scrim and that It might look good amoungst the layers.

Having segments in the quilt. Before I wasn't sure how to show the segments with my idea and the just the stiching would make the segments but I thought that if I have the top layer in patches that would also show my key word of segments better than just the stitching.

With most of my quereies and panic worked out I felt more at ease and on the path to reaching my target on monday.

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