Friday 14 December 2012

Tuck Foot Samples

My last day at college before the Christmas holidays and I'm in the textiles workshop to work on a sample for 3DSP. For 3DSP I've explored the basic quilting techniques and now I've made the decision to look at fabric manipulation. Looking through The Art of Fabric Manipulation book and talking to Becky I got to try out using the tuck foot on the sewing machine. The tuck foot requires two needles which was new for me as i'd never tried two needles at once before and it was tricky as the threads would tangle. The tuck foot pulls up the fabric and sews it creating lines of folds. I started by seeing what I can do with it, whether I can curve it or sew over them. For my second sample I tried doing continuous lines next to each other. I think having the lines alongside each other to work the best but you can't be sure on the change of size of the fabric as it will get smaller with each line.

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