Monday 3 January 2011

Collages with Maps: Peter Clark & Jerry Gretzinger

Dog Collage - Peter Clark
I looked briefly at college by creating one containing pieces of map like peter clark, after doing that it seemed obvious to add more to the piece by linking all the roads from each slice of map together to create my own personal made up map.

This reminded me of the work by Jerry Gretzinger, which started by a doodle on a sheet of typing paper while working in a ball bearing factory. This is now still being added to as an ongoing project describing an imaginary landscape called The Gretzinger Map (1963-Present). when he'd get to the edge of the page he'd add another continuing on. He uses I huge variety of media including collage within creating all (as of june 2008) nineteen hundred contigious panels.

'The Gretzinger Map' - Jerry Gretzinger

I like how this is an ongoing project and that it's all made up. It reminds me of when I was younger when I'd create my own pictures of fictional places and playing platform games on the playstation 2 like grand theft auto. it's obvious he's put alot of imagination and research into making these maps incorporate towns and cities with museums, government buildings, churches, parks, railroad stations and airports.

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