Thursday 23 May 2013

Over Locker Sampling

Thinking of my final piece, I need to find a way of finishing the edges of the fabric to stop it from fraying. I was suggested to  try using an over locker or to run a zig-zag stitch down the edge. The zig-zag stitch is what they used before the over locker was made. The over locker was specifically made for finishing the edging of fabric. It uses two needles with the input of four different threads that make the stitching. As your stitching the machine is also able to cut off the edge of the fabric before it's stitched that allows the edge to be straight. I had a go at trying out some different ways of putting the fabric through. You can use the over locker to join the edges of two layered fabrics. I tried different folding of the fabric as well as the straight edge. From looking at the edge of a t-shirt I tried a folding that would hide the stitching on the inside and a folded edge. After sampling these I tried them again on silk to see how they would be changed on the fabric I'm using or handled differently as silk can be a bit slippery. After I found that the silk was successful I tried the over locker on a folded piece to see how it would effect the folds. A straight stitch worked fine and kept the folds in the fabric but the folded stitch stretched out the fabric getting rid of the folds. I also tried over locking a square and folded it afterwards to see if I can still form the stitched edge.

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