Monday 26 November 2012

Book Making Workshop

This Monday I had an amazing workshop with Marian Eliot learning about different forms of book making and book arts. Starting with an informative power-point I was shown a range of different books, giving an introduction to the basics of book making. During this workshop I got to make four different books. I learnt a pamphlet bind to stitch together folded sheets. I tried this with long envelopes and different sizes of pages. I thought the envelopes were a very interesting addition to the book, making pockets in some of the pages. Second I revisited the flower or star fold I had learnt from a workshop last year with Becky Adams and explored vigorously when looking at paper manipulation. When making this flower folded book I put thought into the types of papers and the formation of colours together. After making the three books I found I had made a series of different books that all shared a similar colour scheme. After making my books I requested for a demonstration on how to bind single sheets as I had an ideas for my sketchbook. Before I was struggling to work in a sketchbook as whenever I thought of it I paniced about the formation of pages and just didn't do anything. After this workshop I had the idea to work on separate sheets and to then bind them together at the end. This demonstration showed us how to stab bind sheets that I now plan to use for my sketchbook at the end of my project to bind together my sketchbook pages. These books were made without a purpose and more to look nice on their own without any thought about the content but with these new binding skills I can put a lot more thought into book making.

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