Monday 25 February 2013

50 Images, 50 Words

It's the start of a new project and like the last CP module we're starting with 50 images and words again. Last time I did this I found it much easier to collect images with a theme and an idea alongside. For this module I have chosen images that I feel show a formation of lines or squares. I really wanted to present my images and words in a way that related to the images and themes I had. I put my images into lines and created concertina folded strips of paper between the columns.

I chose these in relation to an interest I found during the 3DSP module when I was creating tucks and would like to further this into creative work. I also realized while collecting my images that I had recently been interested in the structure of folds in my last CP module with paper when I made a folded paper dress. Knowing this makes it feel good like I've found myself and my area, like I'm working on the right tracks to an area that really interests me as this is the third module this has appeared.

I'm a bit worried as to what to for sampling as I've already made a lot of related samples on my 3DSP. My plan is to look at contemporary paper folding artists and look for some inspiration.

To get the ball rolling we had group crits to present our images and ideas. I'm not sure how it went as there was a lot of 'umms' coming from me after I gave my idea. I'm really struggling to explain what I want to do but I guess once I start producing some stuff It might make better sense. I think it went okay even though it was a bit quiet as I was told my imagery was quite strong and it seemed like they were happy I had something to go with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I was trying to find info about how to expose paper cuts onto eg stencil paper (any further suggestions welcomed) when I stumbled across your blog. Your experimentation is bril! I was particularly interested in your stiched water soluable fabric which just left the stitches. I have experimented with printing onto one ply tissue adding/setting embossing powder and then trying to wash away the paper to be left with just the 'ink' - a print without a surface so is it a print? Good luck! Andrew